News: Team Ninja Want to Make a 3D-Designed Game

Posted 21 May 2011 at 10:21 by Ashley Jones
Team Ninja's studio head Yosuke Hayashi has spoken about his desire to create a title designed specifically for 3D.
While Team Ninja's Dead or Alive: Dimensions features a 3D display it is simply a visual effect and in no way affects the gameplay. The studio's head, Yosuke Hayashi, spoke to Satoru Iwata in a new 'Iwata Asks' and explained his desire to make a 3DS game that was designed with 3D in mind.
Mr. Hayashi has been inspired by Shigeru Miyamoto's comments about titles being designed with the 3D effect in mind. Mr. Miyamoto has spoken about how Super Mario 3DS will utilise the 3D visuals so that gamers jump into the distance and Mr. Hiyashi is looking to do the same in the future.
"While I don't know exactly when I will land any such future projects, I think the challenge of the games I make from now on will be quite rewarding...As a gamer myself, I'm looking forward to seeing what kinds of new games will appear for the Nintendo 3DS system. And as a developer, I want to challenge myself in the kinds of games that I make."
The interview also discussed the importance of StreetPass, Samus Aran's presence and the females of the game that has resulted in the game being banned in Sweden. Fans of the franchise should definitely check out the full interview for lots of insights into the history of the title.