Tenchu Dark Secret

News: Tenchu DS Trailer

The developer has updated the official Tenchu DS website with new gameplay footage.

From Software, makers of the ninja assassin series Tenchu, have posted a video update to their Japanese site for the upcoming Tenchu Dark Shadow. You can find that video right here.

The video explains the game's premise (in Japanese that is) and shows off a good deal of in-game footage. Played primarily from an overhead perspective, the touch screen is employed in various ways including being used for item management. In a particularly interesting touch, the second screen is also used to zoom-in on targets, allowing the player to deliver the "killing blows". The 3D characters, if a little blurry, move fluidly.

Tenchu Dark Shadow is slated for an April 6th release in Japan. Unfortuneately for European and US handheld ninjas, release out of Japan is yet to be determined. More word on the game as it is announced.

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