News: Tendogamers shuts doors

As seems to be the worrying trend these days, Tendogamers have announced that they have shut down.

As certain games sites flourish, there must be casualties. And unfortunately, Tendogamersare the latest. After much great Nintendo coverage they have shut their doors, and updated for the last time. Here's their goodbye letter:

To the loyal fans and readers of this establishment,

I come before you today to announce a sad truth that is so often met at the end of a sites glory, from this day forward will no longer remain operational. It is in my deepest regret that this decision is to be made, but the fact of the matter is that there is not enough help to go around, and there are far too many internal problems to continue.

A few months back I stepped down from the position as Editor-in-Chief and handed the ranks over to a loyal staff member, Mike Biggio. He tried his best, but due to frequent server issues and scripting errors, the site was never able to pick up the pieces of its shattered heart. For this I deeply apologize, and wish in some way that could have lived on as a fans favorite resource.

It seems like only yesterday when I started as a personal project, and I am very proud of where it has gone in the days of its prime. As a group we did a bang up job at E3 2001, and continued to flourish thereafter. However, in these times of growth and accomplishment also came the rise of server issues and various corruptions. There will always be a part of me that wishes could have toughed it out, but for now I think it is time to let go, and continue with our lives as they stand.

To all those who have helped bring this site to its succession; I tip my hat to you. While working on the site I was surrounded by a great staff, and I appreciate so much all of the time and effort put forth into making one of the best projects I’ve taken part in. With these last words being said, I would just like to take the time to thank a few people individually…

Shaughn Maguire, for being an excellent editor, for going to E3 when we needed the coverage, and for being an all around great person. I will be in touch my friend.

Matt Needham, for being of the best editors we’ve ever had the pleasure of working with, for being artistically inclined, and for creating the Cubed comics we so deeply admired.

Kyle Carmitchel, for being a great editor while he lasted, for playing Counter Strike many a lonely night, and for being a good friend in all times.

Mike Biggio, for being persistently annoying enough to gain a staff position, and for doing a great job in trying to keep TG alive after I left.

James Kupczak, for his efforts on TG, graphical knowledge & skill, PSO addictions, and for the years that I’ve known him. You’re a great guy, keep in touch.

Now without further sadness to bring this downed site to its ultimate fate, I bid you all farewell, and to all a wonderful life. I thank you for making an enjoyable experience, and wish for you all to remain happy and safe in whatever you do.

Very truly yours,

Thomas Pisarczyk
The father of

P.S. …I’m your father too! ;)

We bid them a fond farewell.

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