News: Tesco Offering 3DS for �115

Posted 10 Aug 2011 at 19:08 by Ashley Jones
The 3DS price war begins again as Tesco advertise the console for �115, undercutting Game and HMV's estimate of �139.99.
When details about the European launch of the Nintendo 3DS were released back in January a lot of fans were confused and annoyed about the fact that Nintendo left pricing up to retailers. While this led to some uncertainty for a while it actually ended up causing a price war between retailers during launch that saw the console being offered for as little as �150 for a brief period.
Nintendo is still allowing retailers to set their own price for the 3DS once the price drop is implemented on Friday and a second round of undercutting prices has already begun. Gamestop is currently offering the console for �134.97 while Game and HMV have suggested that they will probably be selling the console for �139.99, but they did also suggest it may be �149.99. However, they have already been trumped by Tesco who are offering it for as little as �115 according to the in-store advertisement spotted by GoNintendo reader Rhys.
Other supermarkets have still yet to announce their prices and Game and HMV sound like they are hedging their bets at the moment so just how much, or how little, the console goes for come Friday remains to be seen. Whatever happens frugal gamers are sure to be in for a treat.