News: Tetris Goes Wi-Fi!

Posted 11 Jan 2006 at 07:44 by guest
The immensely successful and popular Tetris franchise is heading to the DS, with an added bonus...
Since it first came out on the original Game Boy, Tetris has seen numerous releases on a variety of consoles. While Tetris DS has been rumoured to be in the pipeline for well over a year it is now confirmed to be heading towards our favourite dual screened wonder!
This year Nintendo plan to extend the Tetris audience, giving the game full support on the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service. Both two player and four player battles will be possible via the increasingly popular free online service, with the game recording and displaying online rankings earned from online battles.
Expected in the US on March 20th, this version of Tetris will feature a classic Nintendo theme, paying homage to franchises such as The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros., and Metroid. As well as the exciting fully supported Wi-Fi play, the game will also support a whopping ten players locally, with only a single cartridge needed.
Update: Nintendo have revealed the first two screenshots from the title which we've got for you to check out below - expect to hear more on Tetris DS soon!