News: Tetsuya Nomura Discusses Kingdom Hearts 3D

Posted 24 Dec 2010 at 21:45 by Ashley Jones
Tetsuya Nomura has recently commented on how Kingdom Hearts 3D fits into the series, what worlds will be featured and how the impossible is possible.
Kingdom Hearts 3D is set to follow on from the soon-to-be-released Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded, which has a secret ending that ties into the upcoming 3DS title according to Silconera. Kingdom Hearts 3D isn't simply Kingdom Hearts 3 but the story is set to be on par with the mainline titles.
During E3 Square Enix showed off a trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3D that featured the sky raining Soras, said to indicate the idea that the impossible would occur in the title. What worlds will be featured in Kingdom Hearts 3D has still yet to be decided. Tetsuya Nomura stated that there "may be a major overhaul in the selection of Disney worlds," and that nearly every locale in the game will be new.