News: TGS 2003 Plans

It will take place at Makuhari Messe in Japan, from September 26th to the 28th, oh and Satoru Iwata will be delivering the key note address.

The details of the Tokyo Games Show were announced today. The event will be held at the Makuhari Messe in Japan and will run from September 26th to September 28th. As usual the first day will be press only but the other two days will see the doors being opened to the public.

Satoru Iwata will be doing the key note address, and his topic will be "20 Years After the Nintendo Famicom: The Past, Present, and Future of the Videogame Industry".

Nintendo have not been a great presents at previous Tokyo Games Shows but with Spaceworld being cancelled it seems that Nintendo want the Japanese public to see they mean business.

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