News: That's One Smart Car

A Wii-branded Smart Car has been spotted in a car park in Toronto...

Now in the months since the Wii has come out, we've seen some crazy things. A woman died of water intoxication after entering a radio contest to win a Wii for her children, websites have been set up showing the aftermath of broken Remote wrist straps, and some milder things have been done such as a rip-off of Wimbledon where the contestants play Wii Tennis, aptly titled 'Wiimbledon'. Well, prepare yourself for this:

That's right, it's a Wii Smart Car. A Kotaku reader has spotted three of these in a car park in Toronto, advertising a URL which, when visited, allows you to enter a competition in which you can win a Smart Car and a Wii. Now that's some 'smart' advertising. Ba da dum, chhh!

Stay tuned to N-Europe for news on more crazy Wii stunts.

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