News: The Godfather Blackhand Edition For Wii

EA producer talks about what this game has to offer, including immersive controls using the Wiimote.

EA Senior Producer Joel Wade recently caught up with IGN to discuss a new title that will soon be heading its way to Wii. That title? The Godfather Blackhand Edition.

You can probably guess what makes this version of the game unique from the others. As with other titles appearing on multiple consoles, the Wiimote will be used to perform specific actions, in the bid to make the game that extra bit more immersive.

IGN: How is the Godfather for Wii different from the previously released versions of the title?

Wade: The biggest difference is how we use the Wii controls to immerse players in combat. On other platforms, the Blackhand fighting system is a "Fight Night" style control scheme built for mobsters; on Wii, our team decided to make it like REAL brawling. You'll be able to throw left and right hand jabs, hooks, and uppercuts; grab enemies and throw them around with both hands; perform head-butts and neck-snaps... We had so much fun with the controller possibilities that we mo-capped a bunch of exclusive moves to fit some of the gestures we'd developed, like the open-handed smack and pistol whip. At the end of the day, we want players to feel like the Wii controller was designed with the Godfather in mind!

Interesting use of the controls, but is this title really worth purchasing? Joel Wade thinks so, but of course, he is promoting the game after all.

IGN: Why should Wii owners be excited about the project, in your opinion?

Wade: I think the most exciting think for Wii owners is the ability to have an extremely deep, living-world game in their collections. The Blackhand combat system feels so natural and intuitive on the Wii controllers-- people are going to have a fantastic time "convincing" shop owners to pay protection money, and delivering beat-downs to rival family gangsters. If people think Wii Sports boxing is a blast, imagine taking out a baseball bat to "un-even" the odds� or even grabbing your opponent by the lapels and throwing him through a window.

So, does Mr Wade make a convincing argument? We'll let you be the judge of that.

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