News: The Hulk in Action
Posted 27 Feb 2003 at 10:30 by Tim Symons
Vivendi today released new info and the first ten screens of The Hulk for the Nintendo GameCube. Two types of gameplay � use the powers of stealth and logic as Bruce Banner or command the incredible strength and fury of the Hulk 30 massive, highly-detailed levels featuring environments both directly from the film and exclusive to the game Fully destructible and interactive environments � virtually anything can be manipulated, picked up, destroyed or used a weapon. Intense boss battles � battle it out against gamma-enhanced super villains like Flux, Rampage and Half Life Hollywood quality VO and soundtrack featuring detailed voice over from Eric Bana as Bruce Banner Take down the Hulk's foes with over 25 devastating attacks, including super attacks like the Sonic Clap and Gamma Slam
Clicking the image below will bring you to the first ten screens of Nintendo GameCube version of The Hulk.
We continue this article with the game features of this upcoming green smash title for the GameCube:
We will keep you updated on this title!