News: The Last Story May Head West...One Day

Posted 20 Jan 2011 at 22:45 by Ashley Jones
David Yarnton has suggested The Last Story may be given a Western release, but don't expect it any time soon.
Western RPG fans have been hoping that The Last Story will be given a release outside Japan but as of yet nothing has officially been announced. At yesterday's 3DS conference Eurogamer asked the General Manager of Nintendo UK about the title and the response is not exactly reassuring.
Mr. Yarnton points out that due to the extensive text present in Mistwalker's The Last Story and the multiple languages in European releases it would not be an easy title to translate. Furthermore, the upcoming European schedule is busy with Kirby's Epic Yarn and the 3DS.
"With all the conversions, when we do it in Europe we've got to do the whole of Europe. So it's multiple languages. It has to be viable. We've got so much on our plate at the moment. The most important one is in the first quarter this year. Kirby's Epic Yarn is the most important title. We've got some great product coming out. On top of that, when we add in 3DS, it's just so much."
The comments were not all as disappointing however. Mr. Yarnton did note that "we've released quite a lot of RPGs on the Wii in the UK. It's an area that's been growing for us. It's up to the market. We never write anything off." However, it still seems very unlikely Western gamers will get their hands on this game in the next few years, if ever.