News: The Latest From Leipzig!

DS "non-games" Brain Exercises and Brain Training will be present at the German games show, as will E3-style DS Download stations.

From that fact that Gentle Brain Exercises and Brain Training For Adults - two of the best-selling DS titles in Japan this year - are being shown at the Leipzig Games Festival, it looks like the two games will be heading to Europe soon, though officially they both still have a "TBA" release date.

The German festival, open from 17th August through to the 19th, will also feature DS game demos to download at Downloadstations around the show. This news was unearthed as the age classifications for the games were revealed (the demos got a "From 6+ Years").

What demos will be there is yet unknown, although E3 had trial versions of Electroplankton, Meteos and the innovative DSpeak.

UPDATE: Thanks to the good folks at gba.n64europe, we have a comprehensive list of the goods Nintendo will be exhibiting. Wow... that's a good number of games many had not expected to see outside of Japan. Its no confirmation, but it certainly is encouraging.


  • Battallion Wars
  • Chibi Robo
  • Dancing Stage Mario Mix (DDR with Mario)
  • Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
  • Geist
  • Mario Baseball
  • Mario Party 7
  • Mario Smash Football
  • Odama
  • Pokemon XD
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Nintendo DS
  • Advance Wars: Dual Strike
  • Band Brothers (Jam with the Band)
  • Gentle Brain Exercises
  • Brain Training
  • Electroplankton
  • Mario & Luigi 2
  • Mario Kart DS
  • Meteos
  • Metroid Prime Hunters
  • Metroid Prime Pinball
  • New Super Mario Bros
  • Nintendogs
  • Pac'n Roll
  • Snowboard Kids DS
  • Touch Golf
  • Touch! Kirby
  • Trauma Center

Gameboy Advance
  • Digitylish (minigame collection)
  • Donkey Kong Country 3
  • Dr. Mario & Tetris Attack
  • Dynasty Warriors Advance
  • Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones
  • Mario Tennis Advance
  • Pokémon Emerald Version
  • Polarium Micro
  • Wario Ware Twisted

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