News: The Sun's Claims Refuted by Nintendo

Posted 05 Apr 2011 at 10:28 by Ashley Jones
Nintendo, GAME and HMV have all refuted The Sun's claims that "thousands" of users have suffered health problems while playing the 3DS.
Another week and another claim from The Sun that the 3DS is having an adverse affect on fans' health. In spite of Nintendo outright discrediting their report last week the tabloid has once again claimed that users are being affected.
The Sun are now claiming "thousands" of gamers have felt dizzy or sick following playing on the 3DS and have been refused refunds by retailers. GAME has claimed that they have received "fewer than five complaints" about health issues and HMV have similarly refuted the claims that gamers are looking for refunds. Nintendo has issued a statement to MCV refuting The Sun's claims.
"The number of calls and emails with queries on Nintendo 3DS is in fact well below the rate experienced during past hardware launches and having spoken with our retail partners there are only a handful of people who have actually gone into stores to request a refund."
"Nintendo 3DS was designed with a 3D depth slider that lets users adjust the 3D effect so that everyone can still enjoy this product. When viewing any kind of 3D images, including movies and on TV, some people might experience minor discomfort."
"The effects are short term and have no lasting effect; most people can continue after taking a break. Customers with any concerns should contact their local Nintendo Customer Support via or on 0870 6060247."