News: Third Age Delayed

Posted 03 Nov 2004 at 23:05 by Tim Symons
Electronic Arts today brought us the news that it has delayed the GameCube version of Lord of the Rings: The Third Age with one week. The game will therefore now be released on the 11th November. The reason for the delay is said to be of technical nature.
Lord of the Rings: The Third Age takes you on an epic quest through the world of which we all know from the movies, Middle-earth. The player will traverse through both familiar and seldom-glimpsed locations, using an innovative turn-based battle system as they fight, encountering the demonic Balrog in the Mines of Moria, defending the fallen city of Osgiliath, or trying to destroy Helm's Deep.
All in all, the game sounds and looks to be very promising. We are sure that this delay will not bother the fans as it seems to be in favour of the game's quality. Stay tuned for more on this title!