News: Third DS Generation Pokémon Title In 2008

Posted 14 Apr 2008 at 18:18 by Tom Phillips
The customary third title in this generation of Pokémon games is coming this year. Details inside...
Our friends over at have word from Japanese magazine and regular Poké info source CoroCoro that we're one month away from finding out the skinny on this generation's "third" Pokémon title.
On the GameBoy there was Red and Blue, and then Yellow. On the GameBoy Color there was Gold and Silver, and then Crystal. On the Advance, there was Ruby and Sapphire, and then Emerald. On the DS, there is Diamond and Pearl, and there will be...
All we know so far is an apparent 2008 release date for Japan. Look for more details next month, Pokéfans!