News: Third Layton Receives Localisation?

Posted 24 May 2010 at 10:00 by Aaron Clegg
Looks like Nintendo may finally be ready to bring the third Professor Layton to the west...
One of the hottest new franchises to emerge on the DS has been the adventure/puzzler Professor Layton. We love both games that have released in Europe so far, but if there's one complaint to be levelled at the series, it's that it seems our Japanese counterparts seem to be disproportionately ahead of us, with the fifth title set to release this Fall.
But luckily, it seems Nintendo are not to keep us in the dark much longer. Developer Level-5 recently trademarked the name 'Professor Layton and the Unwound Future'. It would seem logical to assume that this will be the western name for the third game, whose Japanese subtitle translates as 'The Last Time Travel'.
Nintendo has a track record of unveiling the western Layton games at E3 in summer, so if tradition is to continue, we should see a European release for The Unwound Future sometime in the autumn.
Keep it locked to N-Europe for all the latest Layton news...