News: This Weeks Downloads

Posted 05 Sep 2011 at 15:40 by Joshua Phillips
This weeks 3DS eShop download has been confirmed along with a WiiWare release.
After the huge influx of downloadable titles for 3DS Ambassador's last week it seems that Nintendo are rather thin on the ground for this weeks downloads. This week we shall be seeing one title for DSi/3DS and one WiiWare release for our motion controlled Zumba machine.
The DSiWare release is an RPG called Anonymous Notes Chapter 1 - From The Abyss. The Wii on the other hand is being treated to a quirky looking racing game under the name of 3D Pixel Racing.

Anonymous Notes Chapter 1 is an RPG set inside a dungeon which implores you to destroy/kill/savagely beat various monsters before taking on a boss monster. It's your average RPG scenario then. You can pick this up (with your virtual master hand) for a mere �1.90 or 200 DSi points depending on what form of DS you're using.
3D Pixel Racing mixes new and retro with 3D cars made up of pixels racing around decidedly retro tracks - Imagine MineCraft had less sheep and more cars and you're close. You can challenge up to four friends, unlock new tracks and enjoy a variety of modes. Different modes on offer include Single Race, Championship, Time Trial and Capture The Flag. This will be available on WiiWare for an equally impressive 500 points.

Only two titles available this week, both of which are fairly cheap. Will you be downloading any?