News: This Week's Euro Downloads - 24/11/11

Posted 22 Nov 2011 at 17:11 by Aaron Clegg
Samus returns to a Nintendo handheld with the release of Metroid II...
Nintendo has published the list of this week's downloads for Europe, and one of titles we've been waiting for for months is finally hitting Virtual Console.
Metroid II: Return of Samus was originally released on the Game Boy in 1991, and is considered something of a little-appreciated chapter in the series. The game sees Samus set out to destroy every last Metroid on the planet SR388, and her mission would go on to have shattering implications in later instalments Super Metroid and Other M.
Metroid II: Return of Samus (Nintendo) - 3DS Virtual Console - �3.60/�4
The Game Boy's exclusive chapter in the Metroid series sees Samus Aran on a mission to rid planet SR388 of the Metroid menace. Enjoy new abilities like the Spider Ball, and powerful new weapons like the Plasma Beam, as you eradicate the Metroids once and for all.
GO Series: Escape Trick Rock City Prison (Gamebridge) - eShop/DSiWare - �4.50/�5/500 Points
Mastermind your escape from Rock City Prison by using the stylus to search for secrets and hidden items in your cell that will help you in your escape. Combine the items you find and utilise them in various ways to make the most of your limited resources. Uncover and solve puzzles to reveal hidden clues and hints as you plot your way out of jail.
Just SING! Christmas Vol. 3 (DTP Young Entertainment) - eShop/DSiWare - �1.80/�2/200 Points
Will you be this year's Christmas no.1? Just sing into the Nintendo DSi microphone and enjoy the festive atmosphere. Hit all the right notes and sing in the correct tempo to reach the top of the high score list!
Big Town Shoot Out (PDP) - WiiWare - 500 Points
Howdy, partner, and welcome to Big Town Shoot Out! If you're a sharp shooter with an itchy trigger finger, you've come to the right place. Big Town Shoot Out will take you through 40 increasingly challenging stages, across 10 zones and 10 different game types, all playable by 1-4 players simultaneously. Are you cowboy enough to make it through?