News: This Week's Euro Downloads - 26/04/12

Posted 23 Apr 2012 at 21:08 by Aaron Clegg
Another week to tickle your creative side with Inchworm Animation...
After Colours! 3D hit the eShop last week, it's time for another creative little app to get the limelight. Flat Back Films's Inchworm Animation comes to DSiWare as a fully-loaded animation program that offers way more features than anything else on the service. Check out the trailer below.
Also new is Block Factory - another new 3DS puzzler from the creators of Pyramids.
Here are the full releases.
Block Factory (Enjoy Gaming) - 3DS Download - £3.60/€4
Block Factory offers much more than four fantastic predefined games. You’re able to design brand new games and get new games through QR Code images or StreetPass. You can even share the best creations with your friends.
Inchworm Animation (Flat Back Films) - eShop/DSiWare - £7.20/€8/800 Points
Inchworm Animation comes packed with features, including the options to record video, and take stop-motion and time-lapse photographs. With thousands of colours and a range of brushes at your disposal, you can paint on top (and underneath!) the paintings. For non-professionals, the game also offers tutorials to guide you along the way.
2 Fast 4 Gnomz (QubicGames) - WiiWare - 500 Points
Join Bumb, Berzerk, Speedster and Uncle Time as they embark on their mysterious quest. Along the way, take the chance to run faster than a speeding rabbit and more powerful than a raging elephant!