News: THQ Announces Four Wii Launch Titles

Click inside for the latest news on THQ's Wii launch spree.

In a move that will please the under 10's across the land (except those still obsessing over San Andreas) THQ have announced a healthy 4 titles for the launch of the exciting new Wii machine.

Joining the likes of Wii Play and The Legend of Zelda THQ will release Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cars, Barnyard and yet another SpongeBob Squarepants game.

While it's a little hard to get too excited over these licenced titles, it is reassuring to see support from one of the world's larger third party publishers early on in the life of the Wii.

Time will tell, however, if the developer community as a whole can get to grips with the revolutionary aspect of the console. Or whether they will simply employ the use of identikit multi-format clones.

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