News: THQ/Nick Prize Points

Publisher THQ and entertainment brand for kids Nickelodeon today announced the THQ/Nick Prize Points consumer rewards program.

Beginning this month, consumers will earn points for purchasing new Nickelodeon-licensed games, which can then be redeemed on a dedicated Web site for rewards. The THQ/Nick Prize Points program is being administered by Vertical Marketing Network, LLC. and the Web site is being designed, developed, and managed by VPI.Net.

"Following our recently announced relationship as master licensee of Nickelodeon's individual animated kids' properties targeting ages 6-14, we've been looking at ways to take our marketing efforts to another level and leverage the entire Nickelodeon lineup," said Peter Dille, vice president, marketing, THQ. "The THQ/Nick Prize Points program is a unique consumer loyalty program that should be a lot of fun for kids while helping us drive incremental sales of Nickelodeon games."

"This fall's lineup features something for every consumer -- from those who own portable gaming systems, to those who favor PCs, to those who demand high-quality gameplay for PlayStation 2 and GameCube," said Steve Youngwood, vice president, Media Products Group, Nickelodeon Consumer Products. "No matter what their tastes, consumers will find a THQ/Nickelodeon videogame to suit them, and now can also be rewarded with merchandise for purchasing these great games."

"We are pleased to be a part of this reward program," said Phil Saifer, president, Vertical Marketing. "We see this as a great opportunity for consumers and a fun way for kids to earn points towards a variety of rewards."

When consumers purchase one of the 18 games in the THQ/Nickelodeon fall lineup, which will be marked as THQ/Nick Prize Point games by a back-of-box logo, they will be directed to for instructions on becoming a member. They will enter a code number from an in-pack THQ/Nick Prize Points card to register as a member of the program (which is COPPA compliant) and get points credit for the purchase. The consumer will return to the site and enter the code inside each game purchased to accumulate points. Members can also complete Web-based activities, such as downloading a videogame trailer or sending an e-card, to earn points. When members have enough points, they can order a wide variety of merchandise from the same Web site, including: THQ/Nickelodeon games, a SpongeBob SquarePants or Rocket Power music CDs from Jive Records, SpongeBob SquarePants mouse pads from Fellowes, a SpongeBob SquarePants videogame carrying case and key chain, a Jimmy Neutron game holder, dollars off savings on THQ/Nick games, and more. Consumers need to buy as few as two games to receive a prize from tier-one options, and three games to receive a prize from tier-two options.

THQ is the exclusive videogame publisher for Nickelodeon's individual animated television and movie properties targeting kids 6-14. This fall's offerings -- all of which are part of the THQ/Nick Prize Points program -- include games based on Nickelodeon's highly rated television series "SpongeBob SquarePants," "Rugrats," "Rocket Power," and "Fairly OddParents"; an interactive adaptation of Nickelodeon's upcoming theatrical release "The Wild Thornberrys Movie"; and games based on the "Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius" movie and "The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius" television series.

The THQ/Nickelodeon Prize Points videogame lineup includes:

  • Fairly OddParents: Enter the Cleft -- Game Boy Advance this fall
  • Jimmy Neutron vs. Jimmy Negatron -- PC and Game Boy Advance this fall
  • Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius -- PlayStation 2 and GameCube this fall
  • Rocket Power: Beach Bandits -- PlayStation 2, GameCube and Game Boy Advance this fall
  • Rugrats: Munchin Land -- PC this fall
  • Rugrats: I Gotta Go Party -- Game Boy Advance this fall
  • Rugrats: Royal Ransom -- GameCube and PlayStation 2 this fall
  • SpongeBob SquarePants: Employee of the Month -- PC this fall
  • SpongeBob SquarePants: Revenge of the Flying Dutchman -- PlayStation 2, GameCube and Game Boy Advance this fall
  • The Wild Thornberrys Movie -- PC and Game Boy Advance this fall

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