News: Three Retro Members Leave Company

Three key members of Retro's staff have left the company...

The rumours about Retro Studios that have been floating around the internet the last day seem to be true - lead designer Mark Pacini, engineer Jack Mathews, and art director Todd Keller have left the first-party Nintendo developer.

Nothing more has been confirmed, and rumours of them being fired and planning to star their own studio aren't anything other than rumours at the moment. Retro Studios is not shutting down and is continuing with development on Nintendo systems.

Three talented people leaving is always a loss, but let's first wait and see what this means for Retro's future games. Regardless, N-E wishes the best of luck to Mark Pacini, Jack Mathews and Todd Keller in their future projects.

Let's see if we get an official announcement soon.

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