News: Tiger Woods PGA 2009

Details about the Wii version of Tiger Woods 2009 have emerged. Get ready to hit those greens all over again!

Launching August 26th in the USA, Tiger Woods 2009 brings new features to the fore!

One of the main features this year will be the inclusion of Hank Haney - Mr Woods’ coach. Haney will guide players through the game and with constantly changing ‘dynamic skill levels’ the player will receive personalised feedback after each round from Haney himself.

All-Play Controls

Players of all levels can play together with the ability to set their controller to match their skill level

Wii Exclusive Party Game Mode

Challenge your friends and family in a multitude of mini-games.

Performance Coach

Tiger's coach Hank Haney is now your coach - helping you to improve your performance throughout your career.

Club Tuner

Tune your clubs to maximize your swing.

Performance Feedback

After every round your coach Hank Haney will provide feedback and customized training drills to help you improve your game.

All-New Online Simultaneous Play

Play an entire 4-person round in the same time it takes to play single player. With the all-new Simultaneous Play you'll tee off at the same time as your opponents and see their ball flight in line with yours.

N-Europe will keep you posted of any further details of Tiger Woods 2009!

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