News: Timesplitters 2 bios

Head inside for some details on Timesplitters 2 characters.

Harry Tipper

Sex: Male
Time period: 1970's
Appearance: Smooth, man. Flares, unbuttoned shirt, mirrored shades and handlebar moustache.
Distinguishing features: His dapper appearance catches people off guard as he smooth talks his way into them trusting him. That's when he strikes.
Likes: Music, free love and huge, ankle swinging trousers.
Dislikes: Bad vibes, man.
Weapon of choice: Silenced Pistol

Kitten Celeste
Sex: Female
Time period: 1970's
Appearance: Man eater. Dresses to thrill and has a lust for the kill which makes her a real loose cannon. The mountainous cleavage is one of her biggest assets.
Distinguishing features: Her drop dead gorgeous looks � drop dead being the appropriate phrase as people who stare usually do once she's finished with them.
Likes: Strutting her stuff on the dancefloor, the smell of gunpowder.
Dislikes: Leering men, people talking to her chest not her face.
Weapon of choice: Soviet S47

Jungle Queen
Sex: Female
Time period: 1920's
Appearance: Amazonian woman meets Ann Summers. Her natural survival instincts are perfectly suited to the Aztec way of life.
Distinguishing features: The genuine tiger skin bikini she wears is a bit of an eye catcher�
Likes: Fur, the jungle, the great outdoors.
Dislikes: Sprawling cities.
Weapon of choice: Crossbow

Captain Ash
Sex: Male
Time period: 1920's
Appearance: Typical safari style fair. Dark clothing to help him blend in with the scenery, numerous pockets and small bags and a killer 'tache.
Distinguishing features: His stealth qualities are second to none and when enemies feel his breath on their neck, it's usually swiftly followed by his blade�
Likes: Authority, discipline and order.
Dislikes: People who disrupt the order, but likes dishing out their punishment.
Weapon of choice: Luger Pistol

Jake Fenton
Sex: Male
Time period: 1930's
Appearance: Very well dressed, chiselled jaw line with deep set murderous eyes.
Distinguishing features: Prone to foul and abuse language. Often tells you to forget about things.
Likes: Red wine, meat, his mum, mutilation.
Dislikes: Anything or anyone that doesn't call him 'Bwoss.'
Weapon of choice: Tommy Gun

Lady Jane
Sex: Female
Time period: 1930's
Appearance: Lavish fur coat, glamorous and expensive clothes and confident swagger.
Distinguishing features: The pistol in the garter belt is a bit of a giveaway.
Likes: Presents, teasing other gangsters,
Dislikes: People with no money. Breaking nails.
Weapon of choice: Come to bed eyes. Followed by a shotgun to the back of the head.

Sex: Male
Time period: 2010's
Appearance: Futuristic Tokyo is a dreary place, and the morbid looking attire of Ghost is a testament to that.
Distinguishing features: The skull pendant is a memento from his first kill. There have been many more since...
Likes: Gadgets, gizmos and gore.
Dislikes: Everything else about his existence.
Weapon of choice: Silenced Pistol

Sex: Female
Time period: 2010's
Appearance: Funky clothing is certainly brighter than that of Ghost's, and
Distinguishing features: Her headphones. Nobody is quite sure what she listens to but whatever it is, you don't get the chance to hear it twice.
Likes: Drowning out the world in her headphones�
Dislikes: People invading her own private piece of tranquillity
Weapon of choice: SBP90 Machine gun

Source: N-Philes

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