News: Toki Tori Confirmed For WiiWare

Posted 04 Apr 2008 at 09:33 by Nathan Whincup
The chubby yellow bird is getting a new lease of life on WiiWare.
Last October, Two Tribes (developers of the critically acclaimed Worms: Open Warfare 2) announced that a sequel was underway for their ill-fated Game Boy Color platforming gem, Toki Tori. A platform wasn't specified, but it was expected that the platformer would be revisiting Nintendo's handheld with a DS release. We now know that Two Tribes are planning to release Toki Tori on WiiWare.
Toki Tori was released on the Game Boy Color after the release of the Game Boy Advance, and so much of the charming little platformer's thunder was stolen from it, and Toki Tori was condemned to the same fate as Shantae (which has also been confirmed for a WiiWare release). Details are pretty much non-existent at the moment, but a video was released of the new game late last year, showing off some high-resolution chicken action.
Stick around for more information on Toki Tori.