News: Tomm Hulett Speaks About 3DS And Wii U

Posted 26 Aug 2011 at 23:12 by Joshua Phillips
Tomm Hulett, senior associate producer of Silent Hill, spoke recently to Siliconera and gave his views on the Wii U and 3DS.
Will we ever see Silent Hill on the Wii U or 3DS? A very pressing question indeed but one that inevitably hasn't been answered, merely hinted at. Sorry to get your hopes up like that.
To try and re-coup your confidence and prevent you from being engulfed by depression I can give you some rather interesting quotes from the fabled interview which show that Hulett is rather keen on Nintendo's 3DS. What about the Wii U though? Whilst he hasn't had a play on the Wii U and it's wonder brick (or tablet/controller as it's known by the general public) he admits that he is more than interested.
"3DS, I love. I'm actually really happy with the console. We could do something cool there. Downpour is in 3D, it has that option. Hopefully, if people like that we can explore it more on 3DS. Wii U, I haven't had a chance to check out yet. I was driving to LA during the press conference and I couldn't see it at Nintendo's booth. I heard some things about it. I was in charge of Shattered Memories which was designed for the Wii. I thought we did really cool stuff with motion control, so I'm sure there are some cool things we can do a touch screen in front of you and you can take it with you. Hopefully, in the future I will get a chance to see it and we can come up with some cool stuff for Silent Hill."
So whilst there are no concrete confirmations he does at least sound quite optimistic about producing games for both systems. Hopefully we will be able to see some of the "cool stuff" he so happily speaks of some time in the near future.
Would you like to see Silent Hill on 3DS? Endlessly running away from horrifically scary enemies would surely be all he better in three dimensions.