News: Tony Hawk Ride Announced

Posted 16 May 2009 at 04:24 by Aaron Clegg
Activision unveils the latest title for the skateboarding franchise, and it's out with the controller...
Activision have revealed the next evolution for the Tony Hawk franchise. The next game, subtitled Ride, will ship with a brand new peripheral that the company hopes to revolutionise the way we play skateboarding games. The sleek board is chocked full of sensors that can replicate the moves you make on-screen. The game releases with the board on Wii, 360 and PS3 later this year.

We're assuming this... thing does magical things the Balance Board can't.
The game itself is developed by Robomodo and Buzz Monkey Software; the latter being respoinsible for bringing Tomb Raider: Underworld to Wii last year. Little else is known about Ride, but Activision are expected to blow the lid off the title at E3 next month. Meanwhile, you can head over to the official website here.
What are your thoughts on this direction for the series? Be sure to leave your comments below.