News: Tornado Alley

Last but not least Atomic Planet also announced Tornado Alley for the GameCube. Quickly head inside for the juice...

In 'Tornado Alley', you take control of one of the most powerful forces that Mother Nature can throw at us, a Tornado, and guide it to do as much damage as possible, without running out of wind power.

To keep your twister alive you'll need to follow the contours of the landscape, watching for thermals and building up the power of your cyclone with the right balance of warm and cold air. Cars and trailers can even be picked up to give ammunition to the vortex, to be churned around inside before being spat out with huge destructive force.

There are no other games like this, and hence there are no comparisons to be made. Unfortunately there was no movie released for this game. We do have some artwork of the game though!

Click to see more!

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