Trauma Center: Under The Knife 2

News: Trauma Centre DS Demo Downloadable?

Gamers in the US can now download a demo of Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 via their Nintendo Channel.

Imagine our happiness upon receiving a press release this morning stating that Atlus had published a demo of medical sim sequel Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 on the DS to download from the Wii's Nintendo Channel.

Like eager bunnies we rushed to boot up the Wii to download said demo, to only find it wasn't yet available for Europe. Turns out it's just for our American cousins at the moment. Crushed in disappointment, we've asked Atlus to let us know if and when everyone this side of the pond will be able to grab it too.

See it popping up here in Europe? Let us know below. And if you live in North America, drop us a comment to tell us how it plays. *Grumbles*

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