News: Twilight Princess To See Autumn Release

Posted 19 Feb 2006 at 12:13 by Tom Phillips
Reggie Fils-Aime has confirmed we won't see Twilight Princess until the Autumn. Details now inside...
Interviewed by Spike TV, Reggie - the vice-president of sales and marketing at Nintendo of America - has confirmed that the next installment of Zelda won't see a release until the Autumn months.
Originally slated for a November 2005 release, the game will now launch sometime later in the year, sometime in September, October or November (November being the month speculated to see the Revolution's launch). It's been widely rumoured that the long delays for the title are to implement special Revolution funcionality, though nothing has been confirmed by Nintendo.
Hopefully the extra year of development time will mean a game of truly legendary proportions - and a fitting farewell to the GameCube and a prelude to the Revolution. Only time will tell.
Update: You can now read Reggie's words for yourself below:
SpikeTV: Zelda: Twilight Princess. Talk about taking some names. So let's take that name Zelda. What's up with that, when's it coming out?
Reggie: It's coming out this fall, it's coming out on GameCube. There's been a lot of speculation, people think we're holding it back or that it's gonna be launched just on Revolution. I'm telling you people, it's not true. It's gonna be on GameCube, it's gonna come out in the fall.
SpikeTV: Is it gonna be on GameCube AND Revolution?
Reggie: It's gonna be on GameCube. The thing about Revolution is that it will take a Gamecube standard disc. So while it is going to be a title for GameCube, Twilight Princess, you will be able to play it on Revolution.
SpikeTV: So what will there be, will there be an add-on. Will we have a sword fight on Revolution or anything?
Reggie: You know, it's a great idea. We should talk to Miyamoto about it but, you know, right now the focus is really getting it out on GameCube.