News: Two Fatal Frame Games Coming to Europe

Posted 22 Feb 2012 at 14:27 by Aaron Clegg
Critically-acclaimed horror to grace both 3DS and Wii...
Nintendo of Europe has today made the surprise announcement that not one, but two games in the Fatal Frame series will be making their way to our shores.
Firstly is a confirmation of a European release for Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir. The game is an augmented reality based spin-off for Nintendo 3DS that makes extensive use of the system's camera.
Shockingly though, Nintendo also confirmed a European release for the long-ago-announced Fatal Frame 2 remake that we all thought had been quietly canned.

Quite the stink was kicked up when Nintendo of Europe refused to localise Fatal Frame IV right at the last, but the Wii remake of the second entry in the series will release over here later in the year under the guise of Project Zero 2: Wii Edition