News: Two New Splinter Cell Games?

Posted 08 Mar 2004 at 12:03 by guest
During the interview Computerandvideogames questioned Domitille Doat about the potential rumour going around that involved another Splinter Cell game besides Pandora Tomorrow being in development which is set to be released at the end of the year. The Ubi Soft employee unfortunately refused to comment on the matter which may mean there could be some truth behind this one. Here is an excerpt from the interview:
We've heard that Ubisoft is planning on showing another new Splinter Cell title from the original team at E3, due for release by the end of this year?
Doat: I'll not mention anything.
You can't even give us a hint?
Doat: No hint!
It was also revealed that the Gamecube and PS2 versions of Pandora Tomorrow will most likely be released sometime in June.
We here at cube-europe will keep you updated on everything Splinter Cell as and when news becomes available to us.