News: Two New WiiWare Titles For Europe

Posted 19 Jul 2008 at 11:36 by Tom Phillips
Amongst all the E3 hubbub of the past week, two new WiiWare games were launched yesterday. Head inside to find out which...
Fitting into the now regular weekly pattern of alternating Virtual Console and WiiWare releases, yesterday saw the launch of two new WiiWare titles. The first of which is the long-awaited Pirates: The Key of Dreams, the long awaited final "launch period title" which we played back in May. Check out our hands-on with the game here. The piratical naval warfare title now includes four player online play as well.
The second title is SPOGS Racing an arcade racer featuring curiously POG-like discs racing round the track in tyres. We're probably not describing it too well.
Both are available now for 1000 Wii Points (�7, �10).