News: Ubi Soft Profits Go Up

Ubi Soft had a record 4th quarter thanks to Rayman and Tom Clancy.

Ubi Soft Announces Record Fourth Quarter Sales - Up 98%

The Video Game Company Once Again Outperforms the Market

PARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 6, 2003--Ubi Soft� Entertainment, one of the world's leading video game publishers, today announced sales of EUR179 million for the fourth quarter of the 2002/2003 financial year, which ended on March 31, 2003.

A record 4th quarter and another year of strong activity The successful launch of several blockbuster hits resulted in record growth of 98% for Ubi Soft in the fourth quarter of the 2002/2003 fiscal year (109% at a constant rate). Several weeks after their launch, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell(TM), Rayman� 3: Hoodlum Havoc, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon(TM) and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six(TM) 3: Raven Shield(TM) still top the bestseller charts in many countries. With annual growth of more than 23% (30% at a constant rate), Ubi Soft is on target with its strategic objective of 20% internal growth per annum.

The five major titles of the fiscal year sold a total of more than 7 million units, well above the initial target of 6 million including: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell(TM): 3.6 million; Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon(TM): 1.8 million and Rayman� 3: Hoodlum Havoc: over 1 million.

In addition, Shadowbane(TM), a massively multiplayer online game with strong potential, was successfully launched in the United States. More than 120,000 units have been sold since its release on March 25.

As expected, North American sales are increasing at a brisk pace with growth of 35% for the fiscal year (52% at a constant rate). During the first quarter of 2003, Ubi Soft ranked 7th among console publishers in the United States. This territory represents 40% of annual sales. Europe recorded growth of 20%, and represented 56% of Ubi Soft's sales. Growth was particularly strong in the United Kingdom, with an increase of 48% (54% at a constant rate) and a succession of bestselling games since 2002. Growth of 60% in Spain is also worth noting.

Globally speaking, 28% of sales were for PlayStation�2, 27% for Xbox(TM), 7% for NINTENDO GAMECUBE(TM) and 23% for PC. Solid prospects for the 2003/2004 fiscal year

The video game market should once again experience sustained growth in 2003, due in part to the decrease in prices for consoles and the expansion of their installed base.

In this promising environment, Ubi Soft will launch a number of games with strong potential. The following future bestsellers are among the titles currently under development for 2003/2004: XIII, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3(TM) for consoles, Beyond Good & Evil(TM), Far Cry(TM), Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Uru(TM): Ages Beyond MYST�, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon(TM): Island Thunder and the next episode of Splinter Cell(TM). These titles are in addition to those launched since February 2003, including Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell(TM) for PlayStation�2, the current #1 seller in both Europe and the United States.

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