News: Ubisoft Focused on Innovation

Ubisoft believe that good quality games are needed to sell new technologies and are hoping to replicate this with the 3DS.

During E3 Ubisoft showed a wide variety of games across all major platforms as chosen by Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft, a fact that they are proud of. Speaking to MCV Ubisoft's Managing Director Rob Cooper stated that this is because they are willing to experiment with new technology.

Ubisoft were one of the early adopters of the Nintendo DS and Wii and while all of their titles may not have gained great critical responses they did show that they are a company dedicated to finding out how to work with new technology. With the 3DS they hope to repeat this and already have a few games in the works.

“If you look at DS and Wii, some publishers shied away from it whereas Ubisoft went full into it, and that’s why we've grown our share. We keep innovating and keep pushing ahead of the competition.”

Ubisoft currently have a number of titles in development for the 3DS such as Assassins Creed, Splinter Cell and Ghost Recon. How these titles will use the 3DS' technology has yet to be seen but based on Mr. Cooper's comments the output should certainly push the 3DS to its limits.

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