News: Ubisoft Seriously Considering PoP Wii

Posted 04 May 2008 at 16:39 by Nathan Whincup
The Persian Prince is coming to the DS later this year, and Ubisoft are said to be seriously looking into creating a new Wii version. Details are, as always, inside...
Readers may remember the last Prince of Persia game to come to a Nintendo console, Rival Swords, which was criticised for the fact that it was a straight port of the GameCube version with no extras, apart from a glistening dollop of laziness. It's common knowledge that Ubisoft are developing a new installment in the Prince of Persia franchise for a 360, PS3, PC and DS release later this year - but where's the Wii version?
The latest issue of Edge Magazine features an interview with Ubisoft's Ben Mattes, who talks about the known versions of the game, and the possibility of a Wii version. The DS version is described as a 'complimentary experience' to the title which will be released on home consoles, with Mattes emphasising the fact that it won't be a port. On the subject of ports, Mattes also admitted to Rival Swords being a "quick and dirty port", even though a lot of potential was seen in the Wii.
Mattes stated that a Wii version was seriously being looked into, emphasising once again that if a Prince of Persia title were to be released on it, it would not be a port of the game currently being developed on other current-gen home consoles.
Is this reminding anyone else of Scrooge's change of heart at the end of A Christmas Carol?