News: uDraw is Selling Well

Posted 03 Dec 2010 at 06:47 by Ashley Jones
Early sales figures indicate that THQ's uDraw tablet is doing well in America.
THQ's uDraw tablet allows gamers to use the Wii Remote as a graphics tablet input. The unit was released last month in America and comes bundled with uDraw Studio. While it is not due out in Europe for a few months it has been doing well in America since its launch.
Gamesutra cites THQ CEO Brain Farrell speaking from this week's Credit Suisse Group Technology Conference during which he spoke of the unit's success. Mr. Farrell states that the sell-through, the amount of units actually sold from those shipped to retail, has been significant. While no exact figures were given THQ has previous stated that it hopes to ship 1.25 million to 1.3 million units before the end of March, 2011.
Following the release of uDraw THQ saw a rise in their share price, indicating that investors are confident in the future success of the company and its product. THQ are looking to continue support for the product with a number of new software titles in development due out over the next few years.