News: UK Handheld Hardware Figures

Unusually, we have some weekly hardware figures for the UK! Check out how the DS, GBA and PSP sold in October!

Thanks to gaming website Jeux-France, we can bring you some interesting hardware figures for the month of October. If you scan the numbers below, you'll see that not only is the DS doing well, the old SP isn't doing bad either.

When looking at these figures, it's important to remember the DS sales have been boosted of late by the introduction of the Blue and Pink hardware colours and also Nintendog's high-profile launch.

Additionally, it's almost certain the PSP will see a sales rush with GTA's launch, with current low hardware figures partly due to a serious hardware shortage. Though with all that in mind, these are still some very strong figures for Nintendo, especially with the all-pwning Mario Kart DS still to come!

22-29 October:
NDS: 30,000
GBA SP: 15,500
PSP: 12,900

14-21 October:
DS: 23,035
GBA SP: 10,034
PSP: 8,000

6-13 October:
NDS: 24,492
PSP: 18,723
GBA SP: 8,799

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