News: UK Retailers Discuss 3DS Sales

Posted 30 Mar 2011 at 20:35 by Ashley Jones
While Nintendo stay quiet about 3DS sales find out what retails have said.
Nintendo Europe has so far not commented on the sales of the 3DS, although it was recently claimed that pre-orders exceeded 140,000 units. When the newest UK charts were released the highest ranked title, Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition, came in at number four, leading some people to suggest the console had not done as well as hoped.
In the absence of official figures Eurogamer has spoken to a number of retailers about how they felt the 3DS had done in their stores.
Asda and Morrisons both speak positively about the launch, with Asda claiming it was their "biggest ever format launch, driven by really strong online sales" and Morrisons stated the 3DS console was the "quickest selling by a country mile".
Other companies were less enthusiastic, with Currys noting that the PS3 was their biggest launch but the 3DS has been their biggest Nintendo launch. Sainsbury's claims that it hasn't been their fastest selling console and Toys R Us confirm that they have yet to sell out.
While HMV, who hosted the official UK launch, cagily state that it is "still a little too early to give a final figure/view," they do say it has been one of their fastest selling console launches. GAME meanwhile simply told Eurogamer "we're not able to talk about the results of a console launch until our next trading update," due on April 27th.
Until Nintendo Europe release official figures, if they ever do, we won't know exactly how well the console has done but the retailer reports indicate it did well but it is unlikely to have been a record breaker.