News: UK Sales Surge!

UK GameCube sales have increased dramatically following the recent price cut.

After the GameCube's price was lowered to �79.99 in the UK, sales have increased by over 400% in the first two days alone!

David Yarnton, General Manager of Nintendo UK, comments: "The new price for NINTENDO GAMECUBE is great news for everyone, ensuring the console and our great range of software is available to all. The NINTENDO GAMECUBE library of games are unbeatable, and with all the major players developing exclusive and unique games for our system, there has never been a better time than right now to enjoy NINTENDO GAMECUBE."

With GameCubes selling this well already, this news confirms what many people already think - with a low price and killer titles such as Mario Kart, F-Zero and Viewtiful Joe coming out in time for the festive season, Nintendo is going to have a very merry Christmas.

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