News: Uncle Sam Sees Baten Kaitos!

Posted 31 Jan 2004 at 12:55 by Iun Hockley
Baten Kaitos is expected to see a release in the USA sometime later this year! Click inside for more details!
The much-lauded and critically acclaimed Namco RPG "Baten Kaitos" looks likely to be released in the United States before the end of this year.
This is excellent news for those non-Japanese speakers out there, as this title is well worth importing. No news of a European release to tag alongside with the English-translated version of the game, but now we all have another reason to dust off our freeloaders and get involved in some solid gaming!
For those of you who do speak Japanese, this is no great news, but could you answer one question for me: Honto no kohi desu?
More news as we have it.