News: Undiscovered Treasure

The Bangai-O developers have a secret title in development for the Cube, but it's not what you'd expect.

Tiny Toons: Volgens Conspiracy is being coded by the genius' behind N64 sleeper-hit Mischief Makers. Little is known of the TT:VC at this time but it is set to be in the platform mould, with a few interesting quirks to set it apart from the rest. There's also talk of a multiplayer mode, but at this time that's unfortunately unconfirmed.

Treasure churned out a number of classics in the golden gaming era such as Gunstar Heroes and Contra (when they were under the watchful eye of Konami). Castlevania was also co-developed by them, which was a gaming gem. Bangai-O continued their success into more modern times.

You may have heard of Tiny Toon if you watch a lot of Saturday morning kids tv but for the rest of us who have lives they are a little unfamiliar. Lets hope that Treasure does not follow the all to tedious route of most platformers and does something original in what is a crowded genre.

With such an established name as Treasure at the helm, this could turn out to be a corker. What I'm really hoping for is an original Ikaruga title on the Cube, but I could be waiting a long time. TT:VC is set for release in Japan this December and a European release is expected sometime early next year.

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