News: Update on Counterfeit Raid

Yesterday, it was announced that Nintendo had recovered 300,000 counterfeit games in raids. Look inside for more information, including which games were copied...

The company said on Wednesday that authorities who raided factories in southern China in search of counterfeit Nintendo video games last month found games, packaging and components totaling some 300,000 items, including new titles released just weeks earlier.

Some of the seized products included the two new Pokemon games, Ruby and Sapphire, released in Japan only a few short weeks ago.

The seizures in January were equal to nearly one-third of the 1 million counterfeit Nintendo games and other items impounded last year in a total of 135 raids.

Nintendo says it has filed formal complaints with Washington that China � as well as Hong Kong, Mexico and Paraguay � is failing to protect its copyrights adequately.

Nintendo encodes its game software and makes key components itself under tight security instead of entrusting work to outside contractors.

Nevertheless, Chinese counterfeiters are equipped with technology that lets them decode the software and burn it into their own computer chips.

If there is any more news about the counterfeit raids, we'll let you know.

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