News: Update On Twilight Princess Controls

Posted 21 Aug 2006 at 08:35 by Fierce_Link
Miyamoto spills the latest beans on the Wii version of Twilight Princess.
In a recent interview with Nintendo Dream, Miyamoto has confirmed that various changes have been made to the control system. The biggest change allows gamers to swing the Wii-mote for sword slashes.
It was initially thought that allowing the Wii-mote to 'mimic' sword movements would make the player tired, however, Miyamoto now thinks that the game is more fun this way.
At E3, players used the B button to swing Link's sword, with Nintendo explaining at the time that players would likely get tired having to actually swing the controller. "Upon actually playing it, it's more interesting this way," said Miyamoto to Nintendo Dream about the new control scheme.
Going along with this change, Nintendo has made modifications to the game's bow and arrow controls. In the E3 version, players aimed with the Wiimote, then actually shot out arrows using the D-pad. With the B button now free, Nintendo has moved the action to the B button. Miyamoto felt that that shooting the arrow with the D-pad was too difficult, and the B button allows for quicker and easier shooting.
It is not known at this specific moment in time whether there will be one clear-cut control scheme for the Wii version of Twilight Princess. It is possible that gamers may be able to choose between replicating sword movements this way, or by pushing a button. We'll have to wait for the final word, but it looks like this game is coming along nicely. We'll bring you more on it as it happens.