News: Update! Prince Of Persia Is Coming For Wii

Are Ubisoft at it again with the Wii loving?

Update! It appears that the Prince of Persia Wii title we reported on as being a rumour can now finally be reported as fact.

Advanced Media Network has reported that a Prince of Persia title IS in development for Wii, but a date has not been confirmed for release.

The sword-swinging title Prince of Persia has officially been confirmed by Ubisoft to be released on Wii. With the games' battle sequences and fighting techniques, Ubisoft strongly feels that the Wii controller fits Prince of Persia quite well.

We'll bring you more news of this, and word on any other rumours we may have posted about on this site.

Below is the original article we wrote, when this title was still a rumour.

Earlier, we reported that Ubisoft were bringing not 1, not 2, but a whopping seven titles to Wii. The news got better, as it turned out that these would all be launch titles!

According to gaming site 1up , Ubisoft are also busy developing Prince of Persia, to be released on Wii in March of next year. It is not known whether or not this will be an entirely new Prince of Persia title, or if Ubisoft will just simply port over the Sands of Time trilogy, which is already available on current generation consoles.

We'll bring you more news on this as it breaks.

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