News: US DS Launch Details

After NCL, Nintendo of America now announced the US Nintendo DS Launch details!

Nintendo of America has just woken up and released the official US launch details for the Nintendo DS. They are almost identical to the Japanese launch details reporter earlier, except for some minor differences. Read on for information taken from the official the press release...

Imagine using the touch screen of Nintendo DS to call a secret audible at the line of scrimmage when your wireless opponent threatens a blitz. Is your Sim feeling blue? Redesign her apartment or create a pet with the touch of the screen. Can't find that last star? Use the second screen to track down your nemesis in the vast worlds of Super Mario 64 DS.

From Mario to Madden and The Urbz, familiar characters and dynamic franchises will dominate the launch season for Nintendo DS, while allowing fans to play their favorites in entirely new ways. In the first 30 days of system availability, thanks to unprecedented support from third-party publishers, players can enjoy 10 to 12 DS games covering all genres. By the end of the first quarter of 2005, the Nintendo DS library will grow to 20 to 25 games.

As part of an incredibly strong launch offering, players will receive a free playable demo of Nintendo's upcoming Metroid Prime Hunters game, titled Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt. Each system also offers a built-in PictoChat feature, which lets users type text or draw pictures and transmit them wirelessly to up to 15 other Nintendo DS users nearby.

In all, more than 120 games are currently in development for Nintendo DS around the world. Titles available in the launch window include Super Mario 64 DS from Nintendo, Madden NFL 2005, Tiger Woods PGA TOUR Golf and The Urbz: Sims in the City from EA, and a major title from Activision. Other third-party titles available during the launch period include Ping Pals from THQ, Feel the Magic: XY/XX from SEGA, Rayman DS and Asphalt Urban GT from Ubisoft and Ridge Racer DS and Mr. DRILLER: Drill Spirits from Namco

In the coming months, publishers will release a wide range of novel software. Nintendo's list of DS-specific first-party franchises includes a multiplayer Mario Kart, as well as Metroid Prime Hunters, WarioWare, Inc. DS, Animal Crossing, Yoshi's Touch & Go, Advance Wars DS and a new Super Mario Bros., among others.

Third-party publishers will add GoldenEye: Rogue Agent and Need for Speed Underground from EA, Viewtiful Joe from Capcom, Bomberman from Hudson Soft, Frogger from Konami, a Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles title from Square Enix, and many more.

We will bring you information and screens for some of the games later today! Stay tuned for more...

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