News: US DS Sales

Sales of the Dual-Screened wonder take a big leap in the USA

Is there anything the DS can't do? Not content with consistently beating the PSP in Japan in terms of software sales every week - and almost every week for hardware, Nintendo of America have released some dual-screened popping sales data!

According to the press release, the DS has seen a period sales increase of 203% over the same period last year. Additionally, sales of the DS Lite have broken 1.6 million -and Nintendo are keen to point out that this figure represents actual units sold, not just shipped. Sales forecasts have been revised from 17 million to 20 million worldwide by the end of this year. Software figures have also jumped up from 75 million units to over 80 million. Whupperywoo!

Reggie Fils-Aime, NOA President and only man in history to wear shoes made from actual canoes, had this to say:

"Numbers dramatically show the value of reaching out to the masses with products that are compelling and comfortable. And this perfectly sets the stage for our breakthrough Wii console, which appeals to both core players and current non-players with an intuitive control system and a price everyone can afford."

The success of the DS is largely down to the multi-user appeal of the system, with gamers of all ages taking up the DS for wildly different reasons. The "Touch Generations" brand is a big seller amongst the typical "non-gamer" and girls, along with Nintendogs and Animal Crossing.

One cannot help but feel a swell of pride at this news -particularly when juxtaposed against the nay-sayers who originally stated that the DS would be a one-trick pony with nothing to add but a gimmicky touch screen and rehashes of older games. Who's laughing now?

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