News: US New Releases!

Several new releases have been confirmed for the States!

Following on from the announcement the other day regarding 2nd Quarter releases in Europe, we now have more information on forthcoming games in the states!

May 1st will see Pokemon Emerald released on the GBA, it's billed as being compatible with several previous Pokemon titles and capable of supporting 4 player wireless battles.

Donkey Konga 2 will be out on May the 9th and comes packed with a whole host of new songs to keep bongo fanatics beating their instruments until the early hours!

Finally, Geist for the 'Cube and Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones will be out on the 23rd of May on GameCube and GBA respectively. Geist is one of the most hotly anticipated new titles from Nintendo, featuring the ability to possess humans animals and a variety of objects in your quest to regain your human form. Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones is the latest addition to the critically-lauded Fire Emblem series.

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