News: US WiiFit Shortages Continue

Nintendo only shipping 500,000 units of WiiFit to the States compared to Europe's 2 million says analyst.

Another day, another massive shortage of WiiFit in the States! The reason behind this, industry analyst Michael Pachter says, is because Nintendo is shipping four times as many units of WiiFit to Europe compared to North America. He estimated 2 million units being shipped to N-Europe's home region because that's where the money is. "The shortage demonstrates one consequence of the weak dollar. We're seeing companies ignore their largest market simply because they can make a greater profit elsewhere" he told the LA Times. "They know that Americans will be just as fat a few months from now", he added.

Don't fret though American readers! Despite Pachter making this big statement, Nintendo spokeswoman Denise Kaigler assures us the company is "Working as hard as [it] can to replenish the stock". Until then, check eBay where the game is being sold for prices up to 66 percent higher than it retails at� or, better still, wait!

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