News: USA GameCube Sales Number

Thanks to our affiliates CubeNation we now have the sales numbers of the consoles in the USA. Nintendo dominates the USA market with the GBA and GC! We have got total sales numbers and the number from the week of February 24 2002 to March 02 2002:

Figures of the studied week :

- Gameboy Advance: 89 000
- PlayStation II: 78 000
- XBox: 32 000
- Gamecube: 32 000

Total of sales in the United States :

- Gameboy Advance: 5 530 000
- PlayStation II: 8 100 000
- XBox: 1 690 000
- Gamecube: 1 590 000

The GameCube and XBox are on the same line. In total Nintendo has got the biggest grasp in the USA videogames market.

The Gamecube is selling very well, just as the Xbox , and without any doubt we can say that the current winner, the PS2, will be kicked of it's place by the GameCube before the end of this year!

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